Aaron was born and raised in the city of Pontiac, and experienced economic disparities, occasional food insecurities, and frequent transience. His situation in life often robbed him of a sense of purpose and hope. That would change when he came to find his hope and purpose in God at the age of 14.
At 16 years old, Aaron felt God’s calling to the ministry, and began serving in the youth group as an intern and student worship leader. At the age of 21, he married his high school sweetheart, Karen. Together, they served as associate youth pastors, eventually becoming the full-time youth pastors. Since 1997, Aaron has served in various leadership capacities in the church; youth and young adult ministries, worship, media, and associate pastor.
In 2005, Aaron leveraged his gift of communication and creativity to form a digital multimedia firm that helped give voice to the mission and message of churches, faith-based organizations, and corporations – locally and internationally.
In 2018, after completing his Master of Divinity degree with Moody Theological seminary, Aaron joined the leadership team of The Power Company Kids Club. Aaron is passionate about encouraging others to PLUG IN! to the work of empowering children and building champions. He shares his story… and the stories being told through Power Company – God has a purpose and gives hope, in spite of lack and disparities!
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