Spring Semester in Review

If had to choose a phrase to sum up this past semester, it would simply be… THANK YOU! So much was accomplished over the past several months, and it was only possible because of our faithful supporters.

Our growth this past semester was both deep and wide. Not only did we grow in attendance across all our programs, but we took our students deeper into understanding God’s purpose for their lives.

Our Building Champions Gala was a great place to showcase much of what took place this past semester, and a wonderful opportunity to thank many of you personally!

The Summer at a Glance…

Our first summer event after the Covid lockdown last year, was with the Oakland County Sheriff, who partnered with us for a ‘Fun in the Field’ day. Children who had been stuck at home for so long came out with their families and really enjoyed themselves! This year, we’re doing it again and it promises to be even better! We will be blessing children with bikes and other fun giveaways, thanks to a few sponsors!

This summer we are going to be in multiple parks each week with Power in the Park! I’m not sure who enjoys it more… our kids, or our team! Children will enjoy bounce houses, water games, interactive lessons and, of course, a great meal! We will also be distributing groceries to families in need at every park site!

This is not your average day camp!

PCLA (Power Company Leadership Academy) is a summer training intensive for children who show leadership potential, strive for academic excellence, and faithfully attend The PLUG. This 5-week training (5 days a week), equips and empowers children to serve as student leaders at PCKC. Those who currently lead all of our programs have come up through our leadership training program as kids!